2021-09-03 02:34:27 formth 2021-09-03 02:37:22 fromth. 2021-09-03 03:20:35 maw 2021-09-03 21:21:27 Hello. Is "Thinking Forth" a good way to start exploring forth language? I've stubmled upon AudioMasher.com in the interwebs and got intrigued with DSL itself and Forth as a concept, i want more. 2021-09-03 21:22:45 there's a forth book intended flr beginners, starting forth 2021-09-03 21:23:02 thinking forth assumes a working knowledge ^^ 2021-09-03 21:23:06 okay, i will check that out, thank you! 2021-09-03 21:23:27 its available in website form 2021-09-03 21:23:38 i've been reading an introduction chapter, and it's pretty dense, hence the question. 2021-09-03 21:23:46 Not a tutorial-style book for sure. 2021-09-03 21:24:18 yea, starting forth is very much a tutorialy one 2021-09-03 21:25:25 thank you! 2021-09-03 21:25:43 the response was really swift considering this is an irc channel :P 2021-09-03 21:29:14 im on matrix! 2021-09-03 21:30:03 czuk_cza: https://audiomasher.com/ ? 2021-09-03 21:31:09 exactly 2021-09-03 21:31:47 is the DSL for some synthesizer? 2021-09-03 21:32:02 https://u-he.com/ 2021-09-03 21:33:21 imode, it's a DSL (sporth) written on top of an audio engine (soundpipe) and then implemented in the browser -- audiomasher itself 2021-09-03 21:33:54 eris[m]: ah, matrix, havn't tried that yet, although i've heard about it quite a few times. 2021-09-03 21:36:48 ohhhh audiomasher.ORG 2021-09-03 21:36:51 https://audiomasher.org/ 2021-09-03 21:36:59 not .com. 2021-09-03 21:37:06 ahh yes sorry 2021-09-03 21:37:19 np np. 2021-09-03 21:37:26 was wondering why I was being directed to some dude's sample library. 2021-09-03 21:37:39 i haven't clicked in the link and it's pretty late here, i fell into FORTH rabbithole. 2021-09-03 21:37:56 welcome to the easiest language to implement and the hardest one to write things correctly in. 2021-09-03 21:38:00 https://audiomasher.org/learn/ugens this is very neat 2021-09-03 21:38:20 a lot of nice examples. You can try some modular synthesis without breaking the bank. 2021-09-03 21:38:35 in the browser! computers are wonderful 2021-09-03 21:39:27 imode: I say. I am slowly implementing a dual stackmachine to run a forth variant pretty much natively 2021-09-03 21:40:31 implementing it schematically as a logic circuit in logisim evolution 2021-09-03 21:41:10 have you seen the existing forth machines?