2023-10-22 03:13:56 KipIngram: You could probably write something similar to a FORTRAN 2 compiler yourself, or a B compiler, or lisp interpreter 2023-10-22 03:14:13 In assembly I'd wager 2023-10-22 03:14:29 Old COBOL too 2023-10-22 03:15:01 Forth is interesting in the regard that it never got *more* complicated to write 2023-10-22 03:15:04 https://justine.lol/sectorlisp2/ 2023-10-22 04:03:09 what you think folks about Factor? 2023-10-22 09:13:02 rendar: i appreciate the spirit, don't like the execution 2023-10-22 09:14:02 all this listener stuff and scaffold... i just want to open a text editor of my choice and start typing 2023-10-22 11:40:28 I mostly agree, zelgomer, though I do think a Forth environment offers some nice opportunities for things like auto-complete and so on. 2023-10-22 11:40:43 Not "requisites," but rather just "perks." 2023-10-22 11:41:26 Things you'd gain by having the editor a little more "integrated" into the environment. 2023-10-22 11:45:56 The way you phrased that implied a fully "offline" source preparation process - I do usually think of my editor running *within* the Forth system as part of it. Forth being interactive in the way that it is and all. 2023-10-22 11:47:53 One of Chuck's old systems had a highly integrated editor - as he typed things the editor would search them, and if the word was a "standard built in" word those source chars would get replaced by a "token" right there in the source. He was heavily focused at the time on minimizing the size of his source. I don't think that is quite as important these days as it may have been to him at the time. 2023-10-22 11:48:46 But it did make the source take up less space and also made it much faster to compile - he later didn't need to search for words that had gotten that treatment at all; that token gave him easy access to the word's CFA. 2023-10-22 11:49:36 He was "almost" able to just copy straight from source to dictionary. 2023-10-22 11:51:15 zelgomer, can you elaborate it? why you don't like Factor execution? 2023-10-22 12:02:06 veltas: Yeah, I probably could do those things, but they mostly aren't interactive in nature. 2023-10-22 12:03:50 I guess that's another thing I love about Forth - how good it is for poking at new hardware you're working with. 2023-10-22 12:04:14 I've always felt like embedded work is Forth's real "natural home." 2023-10-22 13:06:36 rendar: i feel like i did elaborate. which part of my second message did you need me to explain further? 2023-10-22 13:09:02 note i'm really a c guy. for me to adopt an entirely new ecosystem, unless it's something that i can write myself from scratch, the bar is pretty high there. i don't know why i would just use c, since it's already a complicated ecosystem written by other people, but at least i already understand it 2023-10-22 13:09:15 what appeals to me about forth is the dream of rolling my own 2023-10-22 13:09:26 factor doesn't give me that 2023-10-22 13:10:24 i'm not a "gadgets" guy. i'm not impressed by fancy guis and instruments and things. i'm a minimalist, and the factor development environment doesn't feel very minimalist to me 2023-10-22 13:11:00 zelgomer, oh sorry i missed that 2023-10-22 13:15:40 zelgomer, now i perfectly got your thoughts and i absolutely agree 2023-10-22 13:18:42 zelomer: You can definitely write a Forth. You can do it in C, and if you use gcc then you can make it "tick" under the hood in a fully "legitimate Forth way." I wrote one that way once. The primitives were C "one-liners," but otherwise it was a full-on properly operating Forth. These days I prefer to use assembly, but either way works fine. 2023-10-22 13:19:03 gcc has that "pointer to label" extension that lets you write a proper inner interpreter. 2023-10-22 13:20:29 My C Forth wound up getting awfully ugly, source-wise, before I was done, though. 2023-10-22 13:20:57 I wound up embarrassed to show it to anyone, the source was so hideious. 2023-10-22 13:21:24 s/hideious/hideous/ 2023-10-22 13:23:08 Oh, you can't necessarily get full performance with a C implementation, since you can totally control what you do with the registers. That's the biggest argument for moving to assembly. 2023-10-22 13:23:23 "can't" totally control 2023-10-22 13:25:07 my actual Forth is written in Rust and it has exactly 473 builtin words, for now 2023-10-22 13:26:18 Rust is one I've obtained no knowledge whatsoever so far. I just have gotten the impression it's popular in web-related applications, but even that might be a misperception. 2023-10-22 13:26:40 KipIngram, you're right, but Rust is growing a lot also in gaming, embedded, crypto.. 2023-10-22 13:26:57 and webassembly 2023-10-22 13:27:10 Cool. It seems to pop up a lot as a "dependency" in various packages I've looked at. 2023-10-22 13:27:18 it's worth learning it, it's the most loved lang 2023-10-22 13:27:57 KipIngram, one key feature of Rust is its ecosystem of packages, you'd have also very tiny packages to do small things 2023-10-22 13:31:59 and supply chain vulns! and horrifyingly slow compile times! 2023-10-22 13:34:52 thrig, there are not perfect things 2023-10-22 13:35:12 thrig, slow copmile times is true, but its solvable, supply chain vulns has been debunked 2023-10-22 13:40:41 what changed since, uh, August 28th when the last (reported, known) malicious packages were taken down? 2023-10-22 13:42:18 Well, I just looked up "rust supply chain vuln" and it looks like the idea is to get someone to download an "imitation" of some legit package? I would hardly blame that on the language itself... 2023-10-22 13:43:21 sure, but if you've got something with a bazillion crates, then you have to go through each crate by hand to look for malicious code 2023-10-22 13:43:28 KipIngram, indeed 2023-10-22 13:43:33 Especially if a package name typo is required for it to work - users do need know what they're doing. 2023-10-22 13:43:38 also node.js has/had that plague 2023-10-22 13:43:50 people still uses node.js successfully 2023-10-22 13:44:00 and then there's "binary blob in serde_derive procedural macro crate" which seems hard to audit? 2023-10-22 13:44:27 also the rust portability is shit. maybe some decade it will nudge itself up to the "maybe usable" category? 2023-10-22 13:45:05 thrig, huh? I successfully compile Rust in AMD64, x86, ARM and webassembly 2023-10-22 13:45:23 :-) I'm starting to get the impression that this is yet another topic in the tech world that precipitates holy wars. 2023-10-22 13:45:25 a lot of embedded products uses Rust to compile it in very esotic arch 2023-10-22 13:45:36 ahaha yeah KipIngram 2023-10-22 13:46:30 very high odds of a rust compile shitting itself after wasting who knows how much CPU on OpenBSD 2023-10-22 13:46:51 that never happened to me 2023-10-22 13:46:59 in 1.8 yrs i use Rust 2023-10-22 13:47:32 lucky for you 2023-10-22 13:55:53 the serde_derive blob was removed (only after a bunch of backlash though, heh) 2023-10-22 13:58:00 holy war is right :P 2023-10-22 13:58:12 also infatuation when it comes to Rust but then again there is some of that here in Forth 2023-10-22 13:58:16 thrig: i assume that probably means it ran out of ram? apparently the rust compiler itself is impossible to compile on 32 bit openbsd because it uses way too much ram >.> 2023-10-22 14:01:20 Forth *definitely* can ignite holy wars. We just mostly all like it here. Quite a few years ago there was a Russian guy that hung out here, though, nickname Asau, who seemed to take very chance to tear Forth down. 2023-10-22 14:01:27 I never understood why he hung out here. 2023-10-22 14:01:53 At first I'd try to debate him, but I eventually decided he was just trolling us. 2023-10-22 14:02:31 I think I recognize trolls more quickly these days - I was pretty inexperienced online back then. 2023-10-22 14:04:55 lol 2023-10-22 14:05:01 yeah there are many trolls 2023-10-22 14:05:11 and the main rule is: don't feed the troll :) 2023-10-22 14:12:20 KipIngram> zelomer: You can definitely write a Forth. 2023-10-22 14:12:23 i know. i have 2023-10-22 14:12:39 the question was about factor, not forth 2023-10-22 14:13:26 zelgomer, you wrote that in C? 2023-10-22 14:13:48 no 2023-10-22 14:13:59 in which language, if i may ask? 2023-10-22 14:14:05 assembler 2023-10-22 14:14:24 i see 2023-10-22 14:18:01 call me extremist, but i really do think if the universe we live in has been 'programmed' someway, it would be in something Forth-like :) 2023-10-22 14:26:23 i don't think it would be a discrete processor the way we imagine our processors 2023-10-22 14:34:41 I agree with that - I'm pretty much 100% convinced that no computer of the deterministic sort we build will ever house any "self-aware consciousness." 2023-10-22 14:34:50 So our universe must have something more to it than pure mechanics. 2023-10-22 14:34:56 Greeks thought it was a cave (they spent a lot of time in caves for some of their mystery sects) 2023-10-22 14:35:02 I can't prove that, of course. 2023-10-22 14:35:36 So I'm not on board with the idea that an AI is suddenly going to wake up and want to take us out. 2023-10-22 14:35:50 Which doesn't mean I don't think we could cause all kinds of grief for ourselves with AI. 2023-10-22 14:36:27 We'll do SOMETHING with it we shouldn't, just like we do with everything else. 2023-10-22 14:37:10 I already read a couple of years ago that some state in the US was using an AI to select criminal penalties. I didn't like that at all. 2023-10-22 14:37:11 Prometheus? never... 2023-10-22 14:38:42 What was really scary about it was that when a defendant's attorney asked to inspect the AI source code, that was denied. 2023-10-22 14:39:04 "AI is sending people to jail—and getting it wrong" https://www.technologyreview.com/2019/01/21/137783/algorithms-criminal-justice-ai/ 2023-10-22 14:39:14 shocking 2023-10-22 14:39:24 Too easy for us to abdicate our responsibility as humans that way. 2023-10-22 14:39:49 yes, the danger with ai isn't ai itself, it's that morons who don't understand it will abuse it 2023-10-22 14:39:58 Exactly. 2023-10-22 14:40:11 We'll do plenty of amazingly good things with it too. 2023-10-22 14:40:30 looking forward to the pornos 2023-10-22 14:40:37 lmao... 2023-10-22 14:40:51 That's another thing we're guaranteed to do. 2023-10-22 14:40:53 I think there's a subreddit for that :P 2023-10-22 14:43:30 I wouldn't object to jurors having access to AI "guidance" on setting sentences. After all, we send random people in to be jurors. But the final decision should be made by *people*. 2023-10-22 14:43:40 And the AI should be wide open for anyone to study. 2023-10-22 14:44:21 What will we do next? Robot executioners? 2023-10-22 14:45:40 AI jurors? I mean, think of the benefits - no petty human emotionalism, complete consistency, ... 2023-10-22 14:46:45 Hey - there's a science fiction story. 2023-10-22 14:47:30 don't need AI to have a DWB verdict 2023-10-22 14:47:30 but you're falling for the same trap now. free of human emotions and complete consistency is the polar opposite of what they're pushing out as "AI" today 2023-10-22 14:47:53 I was just adlibbing some of the arguments that might get made. 2023-10-22 14:48:01 Definitely was not advocating that. 2023-10-22 14:48:12 i see 2023-10-22 14:48:40 Actually I'm opposed to robot soldiers for the same reason - it's always possible for human armies to decide not to obey orders, if the leadership goes off the rails. 2023-10-22 14:48:46 But a robot army wouldn't, ever. 2023-10-22 14:49:05 unless robot army hacked 2023-10-22 14:49:10 Good point. 2023-10-22 14:49:13 whoops! 2023-10-22 14:50:00 And some of those Boston Dynamics videos make it seem like we are definitely moving toward the possibility of robot solidiers. I saw one where the robot disarmed his mock attacker and then went running off down the road at like 25-30 mph. 2023-10-22 14:50:47 Probably had like a six minute battery life or somethin like that, though. 2023-10-22 14:52:26 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3RIHnK0_NE 2023-10-22 14:54:22 That may not even be real, I suppose. 2023-10-22 14:54:43 Some of the commenters peg it as CGI, but if so it fooled me. 2023-10-22 14:55:40 It's not real 2023-10-22 14:55:55 Yeah, I'm reading more closely now. 2023-10-22 14:56:16 I have seen some real Boston dynamics videos, though, and I guess that's where they're trying to go. 2023-10-22 14:56:32 I bought it initially, since i've never really paid attention to their exact progress. 2023-10-22 14:56:44 lol "Bosstown Dynamics" 2023-10-22 14:57:03 https://bostondynamics.com/ 2023-10-22 15:17:47 I don't know to what extent you guys are familiar with "Dust" short films. There's a ton of them. There's one I saw some years ago I'd like to watch again, but I don't know how to find it. If anyone happens to know of an index or summary etc. of them, that would be great. 2023-10-22 15:24:58 This is the best I can find https://letterboxd.com/hugonebula/list/dust-short-sci-fi-films/ 2023-10-22 15:26:21 https://www.themoviedb.org/video/channel/UC7sDT8jZ76VLV1u__krUutA 2023-10-22 15:39:05 Yeah, I found several such lists on letterboxd, but none of the cover images cued me in successfully. 2023-10-22 15:39:16 short of just clickin through all of them I don't see how to use that. 2023-10-22 15:39:38 What would be idea would be if there was a full list of plot summaries online somewhere, that I could do word/phrase searches on. 2023-10-22 15:40:06 One I do happen to remember the name of, though, that was also quite good and well made, was called "Plurality." 2023-10-22 15:40:25 Fun way to spend 15-20 minutes. 2023-10-22 15:50:41 I sent an email to contact@watchdust.com; maybe they have some kind of list. You'd think they would. Then at least I'd know I was looking at a FULL list instead of some random person't favorites. 2023-10-22 15:51:25 If anyone happens to watch "Plurality" let me know what you think.