0 ##forth irc bots : [bot]clog and [bot]dpans 1 2 Charles ("crc") runs a few bots in the ##forth channel. These 3 are: 4 5 [bot]clog 6 7 This bot logs messages in the channel and saves them to 8 http://forth.chat 9 10 [bot]dpans 11 12 This bot watches for messages with a form of: "dpans: name" 13 If "name" is found in the ANS FORTH draft standard, it will 14 write the documentation to the channel. Long descriptions 15 show the first few lines, then a link to the rest. 0 ##forth irc bots : gforth_eval_bot 1 2 Ghodawalaaman runs a gforth_eval_bot. To use it: 3 4 !gforth [code] 5 6 Replace [code] with the code to run. This runs gforth in a 7 Docker container; the environment is replaced after each request 8 and time limits are enabled. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 ##forth irc bots : ForthBot 1 2 cleobuline runs ForthBot. This uses a non-standard Forth with 3 bignum support. To use it: 4 5 ForthBot: [code] 6 7 Replace [code] with your code. This appears to use a shared 8 session, with state preserved across invocations. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 ##forth irc bots : [bot]konilo 1 2 crc is developing a multi-user irc interface to his Konilo 3 Forth system. This will run under nick [bot]konilo, and provides 4 a per-user konilo instance. These have a read-only set of basic 5 blocks (0-127), and a per-user private set of blocks. 6 7 Interaction is done by sending `!konilo [code]` messages. On the 8 first message, the bot will setup a session for the user and 9 sends a link to the cached output. 10 11 In the development phase, sessions end after 30 minutes and data 12 is removed at this point. In the future, the runtime sessions 13 will suspend after 30 minutes of idle time, but resume when new 14 messages are sent. Development of this bot is ongoing. 15