2023-11-04 00:07:26 Oh hey - I didn't realize I could drag the close captioning on YouTube pages to some other part of the screen, say if it's blocking something i want to see. 2023-11-04 00:07:31 But that works fine. Cool. 2023-11-04 04:04:23 > "If you have two stacks and speak RPN then you're welcome here!" 2023-11-04 04:04:25 I love this line :) 2023-11-04 06:25:22 xyh: And yet you'd be amazed how many people try to gatecrash with one stack 2023-11-04 06:25:58 Although seriously anything forthy even without that is probably fine, the channel's not strict at all, I don't think I've ever seen this channel moderated 2023-11-04 06:27:07 KipIngram: EU passed a law, not Europe 2023-11-04 06:28:35 And this isn't even about Brexit, just generally I've been pointing this out even when we were in EU 2023-11-04 06:29:57 I actually voted to remain in EU in that referendum, although that's surprising to most people who know me 2023-11-04 06:38:08 Norway, Switzerland, Ukraine to name some other significant European countries not in EU (although I'm hoping Ukraine will join because I think they want to) 2023-11-04 06:42:08 https://last-chance-for-eidas.org/ 2023-11-04 06:44:36 That's actually an interesting one because right now CA's are chosen by some mailing list where I saw them tear apart some CA CEO in a total culture clash with business-types, but obviously states have an agenda here 2023-11-04 06:46:20 I personally think saying with CA's to trust is tantamount to saying what kind of encryption methods are allowed, not dissimilar to British proposals to weaken peer-to-peer encryption for surveilance purposes 2023-11-04 06:47:37 The two main camps' arguments are: "it's not possible to do this without ruining encryption/privacy for everyone", and "we need to do this to stop terrorists and paedo's" 2023-11-04 06:48:22 I don't actually agree with either of those, and regardless of my views I think some kind of encryption restrictions will come into play eventually, less restrictive than the previous encryption export fiascos we had 2023-11-04 06:49:01 The only thing stopping states pushing this agenda is technical incompetence 2023-11-04 06:49:26 Eventually they'll put enough competent people in a room to figure it out, and splash enough money their way 2023-11-04 07:05:03 sorry, if you ever find yourself standing with the "we need to do this to stop terrorists and paedo's" side, you stand with terrorists and paedos 2023-11-04 08:02:13 I am working on a forthy thing, with two stacks and a dictionary. 2023-11-04 08:02:51 I will finish the outer interpreter today, and share with you :) 2023-11-04 08:04:55 I am interested in forth again, because of uxn: https://100r.co/site/uxn.html 2023-11-04 17:01:10 Wow. 2023-11-04 17:01:13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BubAF7KSs64 2023-11-04 17:01:29 I mena, I knew... but the detals are pretty amazing. 2023-11-04 23:34:33 most people are libertarians but don't agree on what liberty is. Some people think liberty is when you can do what you want. Other people think liberty is when there isn't a government. The second group are dangerously wrong and dangerously stupid. 2023-11-04 23:35:23 literally nobody is against making things more efficient - but tosome people "efficient" means "less government" which again is wrong and stupid. So you have to be careful about what they actually mean.