2023-12-07 18:21:10 well today was pretty much a colossal failure 2023-12-07 18:22:19 wrote a bunch of code, spent a lot of time scratching my head, in the end decided this approach is all wrong and deleted most of it 2023-12-07 19:06:05 anyone tried running forth on an esp32? 2023-12-07 20:30:44 I'll be working on getting one of mine running on this esp32 thing in the near future: https://www.tindie.com/products/lilygo/lilygo-ttgo-vga-v14-controller/ 2023-12-07 20:57:19 Wow - that's an awfully neat looking little gadget. 2023-12-07 21:04:18 It's pretty nice. Very compact. I hooked it up to a couple of LCD VGA displays from various years (oldest being about 12 years, newest was purchased about six months ago) and the demo firmware displayed correctly on all of them. 2023-12-07 21:04:37 How does one develop on it? 2023-12-07 21:04:44 I need to get a ps/2 keyboard & mouse before I can really do much with porting my stuff to it. 2023-12-07 21:04:50 What's it take to "tool up"? 2023-12-07 21:06:51 there's a C toolchain readily available; I'm going to be looking for assembly resources 2023-12-07 21:08:37 https://dl.espressif.com/github_assets/espressif/xtensa-isa-doc/releases/download/latest/Xtensa.pdf has some notes on the ISA 2023-12-07 22:42:05 you can also write for them in the arduino IDE - though i think that sticks a RTOS somewhere in there 2023-12-07 22:42:14 or some sort of additional code at any rate 2023-12-07 22:42:34 crc, assembly eh? interesting. 2023-12-07 23:50:47 Assembly makes writing a "best Forth" easier. You get to decide what the registers do, and they do it without any compiler code mucking about behind your back. 2023-12-07 23:51:34 I looked at the esp32 docs; it has 16 registers, which is just enough for the stuff I do with them.