2023-12-20 10:10:46 ACTION is trying to recall the name of a rather simple graphics protocol but is failing 2023-12-20 10:11:14 KipIngram: Congrats! 2023-12-20 10:12:08 Zarutian_iPad: what can you remember about it? 2023-12-20 10:12:27 KipIngram: 'Cooking her contribution' -- that sounds like pregnancy, but for a split second I thought it was 'cooking her children' :P 2023-12-20 10:12:50 I thought it was an idiom, but seems like it's not. 2023-12-20 10:13:22 I'm assuming it's a variation of "bun in the oven" 2023-12-20 10:14:44 Worth two in the bush! 2023-12-20 10:31:45 Zarutian_iPad: sixel? 2023-12-20 10:37:00 sixels are the first thing that comes to my mind as well 2023-12-20 10:37:19 though I'm not sure I'd call them a protocol 2023-12-20 11:31:55 not sixels, I know of those 2023-12-20 11:32:18 also know of NAPLPS, RipScrip, and ReGIS 2023-12-20 11:32:38 no not any of those but much simpler 2023-12-20 11:40:14 i'm interested to hear what it is when you remember it 2023-12-20 11:42:06 could it be stdg? 2023-12-20 11:43:22 https://crates.io/crates/stdg/0.2.0 2023-12-20 11:43:59 yebb its that 2023-12-20 11:47:54 though for graphical user interface stuff in bash and such I prefer tcl/ttk 2023-12-20 11:48:37 is stdg a rust alternative for logo? 2023-12-20 11:49:21 I do not think so, more of an textual canvas drawing thing 2023-12-20 11:50:02 what a useless page. maybe it requires javascript? 2023-12-20 11:52:04 https://github.com/calebwin/stdg 2023-12-20 11:54:57 hmm... a project idea, write an stdg to sixels and ansi escape sequences (to query for mouse) in a forth 2023-12-20 12:09:07 brb 2023-12-20 12:54:59 user51: :-| Sorry about that. Definitely a pregnancy pun. She's very much in the "cute pregnant lady" stage right now. 2023-12-20 12:57:09 The kitty terminal emulator has a graphics system wired into it. It even gives you a way to trickle "pieces" of an image over slowly, and then when it's all delivered can command it to be displayed, etc. 2023-12-20 12:57:28 The client will keep a little library of images. 2023-12-20 14:25:38 what free forth interpreter for Windows is recommended? swiftforth? looks like I'd need to build gforth from source 2023-12-20 14:35:54 or I guess you could put a linux on a modern windows? 2023-12-20 14:46:19 I'd like to use windows APIs if possible 2023-12-20 14:47:01 most recent precompiled windows version of gforth that google would spit out: https://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/forth/gforth/Snapshots/0.7.9_20200709/gforth-0.7.9_20200709.exe 2023-12-20 14:48:59 snapshot directories where YYYYMMDD > 20200709 might be worth looking at if you're desperate 2023-12-20 14:51:48 so the answer is gforth? 2023-12-20 14:52:02 if that's the case I'll just attempt to build it from the latest release 2023-12-20 14:52:22 i don't use windows, so i can't answer that 2023-12-20 14:52:50 I see, from what I can tell from the manual gforth has no networking capabilities should I just use the ffi in that case? 2023-12-20 14:54:06 yes 2023-12-20 14:55:08 example @ https://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/cvsweb/cgi-bin/cvsweb/gforth/unix/socket.fs?rev=1.37;content-type=text%2Fx-cvsweb-markup;sortby=date;f=h 2023-12-20 14:55:35 thank you 2023-12-20 14:55:36 or $PREFIX/share/$VERSION/unix/socket.fs if you have it installed 2023-12-20 15:19:18 @KipIngram grats 2023-12-20 15:19:57 @kws If you are doing something network heavy you might want to avoid windows. 2023-12-20 15:20:50 I use windows for plenty of stuff... but not networking. If this is some sort of corporate vpn / intranet thing, that is obviously different. 2023-12-20 15:22:34 If you need windows, bur /not/ net activity, XP is actually still a nice host system for various things, including stuff like win32forth. 2023-12-20 15:23:59 but not security patches 2023-12-20 15:24:32 sure - hence my saying to not use it on a network 2023-12-20 15:27:29 In case anyone isn't aware, there are corporate versions of xp that are self authenticating, and never need to touch a network.