2024-02-04 01:44:54 zelgomer what do mean by you keep being skeptical to some degree? 2024-02-04 01:44:59 like with what 2024-02-04 01:45:20 you think forth should do some things in a different way? 2024-02-04 01:48:32 skeptical of some of forth dogma and that it's actually any better than c 2024-02-04 01:49:45 memory allocation for some reason feels better in forth 2024-02-04 01:54:12 deallocation, not so much 2024-02-04 01:54:46 forget 2024-02-04 02:03:30 indescriminste 2024-02-04 02:17:05 on unix systems, libc is built on a similar allocation mecbanism called the program break 2024-02-04 02:34:20 so i guess that's to say it's really not a fair comparison. you can write c without libc and do memory allocation like forth. you can also use the forth dictionary and implement a c style heap manager 2024-02-04 02:35:47 sqlite has pretty minimal allocation requirements for example 2024-02-04 18:19:43 I don't know how practical it is, but at least it was worth reading https://old.reddit.com/r/Forth/comments/vap2ut/share_cool_forth_programs/ickg8gx/?context=3 2024-02-04 18:26:41 it's cool 2024-02-04 18:27:00 when i grow up i want to become a forthwright 2024-02-04 18:28:13 i cannot explain what i like so much from forth 2024-02-04 18:29:05 but metaprogramming and bottom up is the stuff i have more interest in programming, i assume forth features that provide that and the fact it encourages factoring is what i like 2024-02-04 18:29:56 i like how easy is to make a new definition, just : name code ; 2024-02-04 18:30:43 and how you are supposed to write a lot of those, like little bricks 2024-02-04 18:31:58 Write forth, not a forth! :P 2024-02-04 18:32:00 i have no interest in performance or compactness, only i like the fact colon words are "cheap" so i can abuse them without problem 2024-02-04 18:32:22 yeah, that's what i'm doing lately, learning forth properly and using gforth 2024-02-04 18:32:38 i'm not touching my own abomination 2024-02-04 18:32:59 just reading the starting forth book and testing the stuff on gforth 2024-02-04 19:05:19 some changes are required as gforth (probably) has a different cell size than sforth assumes