2024-04-08 00:13:29 Anarchy is a lovely idea. Communism's not bad as an IDEA either. Neither of them ever works out, though. Human nature gets in the way, and it's not changing anytime soon. 2024-04-08 00:14:50 They are wrapping this video up with the Industrial Revolution. It gets a lot of bad press for "displacing workers," and so on, but I think not enough attention is paid to the absolutely MASIVE general rise in the standard of living it brought about. Suddenly many things that had previously been luxuries only for the rich could be for most everyone. We wouldn't have accomplished that without the machinery. 2024-04-08 00:15:51 Yes, it had negative knock-on effects on some groups of people, but taken as a whole I think it has to be regarded as a positive. 2024-04-08 00:16:48 And in time those negatives worked their way out of the system, as people found new things to do. 2024-04-08 00:17:00 Granted, that doesn't help much when your job disappears and you're hungry. 2024-04-08 00:21:47 Finally got to the end. That was a good video; thanks again GeDaMo. 2024-04-08 00:22:46 I've been kind of into mechanical things lately, since starting on this Enigma machine. Watched a bunch of videos on early calculating machines. 2024-04-08 00:22:53 Those are pretty neat too. 2024-04-08 01:00:24 communism is bad as an idea 2024-04-08 01:01:11 Well, I actually agree with you, but some of the stated goals seem desirable. Some of them don't (to me at least). 2024-04-08 01:01:28 But the point is that the positive stated goals never pan out. 2024-04-08 01:01:55 They still wind up with wealth and power concentrated in the hands of a few. 2024-04-08 01:02:27 And no one seems to be able to resist using that power to eliminate political rivals. 2024-04-08 01:02:46 i don't care what collective utopia you hope to achieve or how well it works on paper. the fundamental principal is that if your system doesn't allow for me to opt out, then you deserve to be shot in the face 2024-04-08 01:03:06 The whole idea requires a kind of "selflessness" that largely doesn't exist. 2024-04-08 01:03:23 At least not reliably enough to count on. 2024-04-08 01:03:35 it's actually quite simple. leave me the fuck alone. 2024-04-08 01:04:06 if you describe that as anarchy, then count me as an anarchist, i guess 2024-04-08 01:04:10 Plus it offers no real incentives toward economic productivity. 2024-04-08 01:04:22 i consider you a fascist piece of shit 2024-04-08 01:04:32 Gee, you are so friendly and nice. 2024-04-08 01:05:11 The point is that without any government at all you will NOT be left alone. 2024-04-08 01:05:18 i want for there to be no mistake about the gravity of what we're discussing 2024-04-08 01:05:52 i will ve 2024-04-08 01:05:53 be 2024-04-08 01:05:55 It's just that whoever comes around and messes with you will be whoever can put together the most force. 2024-04-08 01:06:02 And yes, it is a high gravity situation. 2024-04-08 01:06:24 I'm not interested in having my daughters live in every man for himself uncontrolled chaos. 2024-04-08 01:06:26 i have several rifles 2024-04-08 01:06:35 Someone else will have more. 2024-04-08 01:07:07 Unless you BECOME the strongman, then you'll be subject to a strongman. 2024-04-08 01:07:09 i'm not interested in having my property stolen at gunpoint because of your daughters 2024-04-08 01:07:26 you and your family should be hanged 2024-04-08 01:07:44 And I guarantee you that there are a whole lot of guys out there who feel just like you do - only one of you can come out on top. 2024-04-08 01:08:11 I know another guy that lives over in Austin who feels EXACTLY the way you do. 2024-04-08 01:08:17 And he has rifles too. 2024-04-08 01:08:26 you ARE my "strongman" right now, KipIngram 2024-04-08 01:08:26 that's the point 2024-04-08 01:09:02 I'm not going to argue with you about it. It's entirely pointless. 2024-04-08 01:09:07 it's past time we started using them 2024-04-08 01:09:11 I'm done with it for today. 2024-04-08 01:09:44 yeah, tyrants don't usually have the energy to defend their atrocities 2024-04-08 01:14:33 that seems to have escalated 2024-04-08 01:14:48 zelgomer is ready to live in Fallout 2024-04-08 01:15:10 no 2024-04-08 01:15:29 and it's been escelating since 1865 2024-04-08 01:17:14 why do you think the absence of an overreaching authoritarian government is anarchy and chaos and mad max dystopia? we got by without it just fine for over 100 years 2024-04-08 01:20:28 and no, about being friendly and nice, i'm done engaging in "friendly, thoughtful debate" with muggers or those who advocate for them. the moment you want to take something from me because you feel unsafe, you have decided that you are my enemy. 2024-04-08 01:43:40 Been escalating since the renaissance unfortunately 2024-04-08 18:54:09 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKm45Az02YE 2024-04-08 19:45:26 game programming is often about removing the seats and landing gear