2024-04-23 00:47:35 i understand, just looking for hints 2024-04-23 00:50:46 i think what i'm trying to head toward is something where the word isn't linked into the vocabulary until ;. so then you could write : this is a host word ; { : this is a target word ; } : this is a host word in the target vocab { ; } : host create does> ; { : target create does> ; } : cross { create does> ; } 2024-04-23 01:04:28 i remember the original problem now. it's that because my "latest" returns the head pointer to the current vocabulary, this falls apart: : foo { ; } because foo is hidden and then when ; tries to reveal it, the context is the target vocabulary. so of course it's easy to say "well just don't do that", but then this is broken: : foo { create does> ... } ; because it doesn't invoke the target ; so it 2024-04-23 01:04:34 doesn't compile exit into the target does> part 2024-04-23 01:30:36 ACTION changes the default base to hex. this is sure to fuck me over one day when i name a set of variables "a" "b" and "c" 2024-04-23 05:24:57 not sure if folks have seen this, maybe already linked... https://www.forth.org/eforth.html 2024-04-23 05:25:20 historically, and hysterically implementations. 2024-04-23 05:26:16 the eforth32's K.DOC is particularly useful, entertaining and well, good stuff 2024-04-23 05:27:10 I'm not even a PC guy, found it useful. 2024-04-23 05:27:59 "If I find _you_ have made a profit on _my_ work, I will call my cousin 2024-04-23 05:27:59 Mohamed and have his camel leave a present on your keyboard." 2024-04-23 05:28:14 :) I found this on a x86 PC version, so non PC. 2024-04-23 05:40:54 in discussion recently, about depth of stack usage... "Programs that have so many items on the stack are just badly written." - forth primer, 'leo agrees with me' 2024-04-23 13:32:28 jesus lol. 2024-04-23 13:32:35 (at the quoted comment) 2024-04-23 13:33:24 also: programs with so many items on the stack are not necessarily badly written. they would just consider using the data stack instead for some stuff. 2024-04-23 13:40:14 tattoo idea: 2024-04-23 13:40:24 :; with the text underneath: define yourself 2024-04-23 13:40:26 lmfao 2024-04-23 13:54:02 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1022340090535624744/1232297623864741928/forth-shirt2.png?ex=6628f218&is=6627a098&hm=ab98cf83269fa7248a1b1a9cffebe71a17fd2b8fac52cc9192300736de6842ee& 2024-04-23 13:59:52 HappyPassover: Would look but website's down 2024-04-23 13:59:57 forth.org 2024-04-23 14:10:32 : you ; 2024-04-23 14:10:34 could be a nice one too 2024-04-23 14:11:05 i like :; beside each other though 2024-04-23 14:11:11 makes a nice little insignia 2024-04-23 14:11:13 the cult of forth 2024-04-23 14:15:29 :; is definitely the ASCII logo for forth 2024-04-23 14:15:45 I think forth.com have that as their favicon 2024-04-23 14:15:50 Or ok 2024-04-23 14:15:58 Maybe forth-standard.org have it 2024-04-23 14:16:14 My github picture is just 'ok' printed in zenv 2024-04-23 14:16:46 Get :; tattooed to your neck 2024-04-23 14:16:57 "I've been bitten by Forth" 2024-04-23 14:22:15 I know we seem like a cult but we're actually more like high functioning addicts 2024-04-23 14:46:22 cults are singular in thought. forth is more like a nut house. 2024-04-23 14:48:45 and like an asylum, only a few of us are actually high functioning 2024-04-23 15:43:41 https://web.archive.org/web/20190930051548/https://critical-hits.com/blog/2017/02/22/the-wizards-and-the-sheep/ 2024-04-23 15:55:39 HappyPassover: eforth32's licensing isn't really valid: "I hereby release the implementation, including executable and source code, of eForth-32 into the public domain. It may be distributed free of charge, but may not be sold for any reason." 2024-04-23 16:17:43 Yeah it's a bit contradictory 2024-04-23 16:17:53 "no licence except this licence" 2024-04-23 16:18:40 Non-selling rule aside it's quite annoying you can't easily distribute software and claim you won't sue people for sharing/copying/modifying it 2024-04-23 18:36:45 yea 2024-04-23 23:46:37 that doesn't sound like a no license. 2024-04-23 23:46:56 sounds very much like you can have, modify, and use but not distribute for a fee. 2024-04-23 23:47:03 sound very clear to me. 2024-04-23 23:47:20 sounds a LOT like what used to be opensource. 2024-04-23 23:47:34 if you remember prior to about '92-3 2024-04-23 23:47:48 then it became very convoluted and obtuse. 2024-04-23 23:47:53 the Moria author said something along those lines 2024-04-23 23:48:28 aka, yellowdog type stuff. 2024-04-23 23:49:02 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow_Dog_Linux 2024-04-23 23:49:24 and prior maybe, dead hat 2024-04-23 23:49:35 or as I used to call them, dead rat, or dread phat 2024-04-23 23:50:26 https://groups.google.com/g/rec.games.roguelike.angband/c/gFiS2tV_-AA/m/Gp7g-TfuJmUJ 2024-04-23 23:50:57 like rc-cola, rogue like is not the real thing :) 2024-04-23 23:51:31 best mixed drinks (if there is such a thing) are with coca cola, and rogue in fortran. 2024-04-23 23:51:38 on a cdc6K