2024-04-13 20:36:32 I'm looking at the "Reordering The Stack" section of the Retro manual, and it doesn't match the behavior I'm seeing 2024-04-13 20:37:25 Specifically, the "drop" example (#1 #2 -> #1) implies that the top of the stack is on the right of the column -- so far, so good 2024-04-13 20:38:49 But then rot is documented as #1 #2 #3 -> #3 #1 #2 -- but I actually see it result in #2 #3 #1 (i.e. it hoists the 3rd item down in the stack to the top) 2024-04-13 20:44:56 I'm fairly new to Forths, so I wanted to double-check my understanding here -- I've stared at it a while, but can't shake the feeling that I'm missing something... 2024-04-13 21:18:03 Unrelated to the above, can "0;" only appear at the beginning of "repeat"? I tried using it in the loop body and I get an "Invalid instruction!" error -- but if I replace the "0;" with "[ ] -if;" everything works as expected. 2024-04-13 21:19:54 Oops, I misread the "0;" documentation -- it leaves the value on the stack if it's not zero, so I needed to add a "drop" right after. 2024-04-13 23:15:52 Finished my program in RetroForth! Although having to prefix numbers with "#" was a little tedious, I realy liked the idea of sigils. Overall, Retro was easier for me to get up and running in than a "traditional" Forth.. 2024-04-13 23:16:26 I'm hoping to give Konilo a try next (but not today). Thanks for sharing these projects!